Why You Shouldn’t Ignore GERD

Many people occasionally experience symptoms of heartburn or reflux without seeking medical treatment, but regularly experiencing the symptoms of GERD can be devastating for your esophagus. During episodes of GERD, your stomach contents actually move up into your esophagus. The result is often an unpleasant burning sensation in your neck and chest, as well as a sour taste in your mouth, coughing, or even difficulty swallowing. If you experience these symptoms more than a couple of times a week, then your GERD needs to be properly treated. You could have GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. There are many potential consequences of ignoring GERD, including:

Increased Esophageal Cancer Risk

The acid in your stomach is irritating to your esophagus, so regular attacks of GERD can be damaging. This damage can change the tissue inside of your esophagus, making it thickened and red, instead of pink and flat. While the risk is small, Barrett’s Esophagus can increase your risk of developing esophageal cancer. Medications for GERD and evaluations of your esophagus by a healthcare professional can help protect your swallowing tube and reduce your risk. 

Injury to Your Esophagus

While Barrett’s Esophagus is one of the most dreaded complications of GERD, all of that acid hitting your esophagus can also cause esophagitis. This condition is when your esophagus becomes inflamed or swollen from the acid irritation. You might have difficulty swallowing and become prone to esophageal ulcers (sores) or scarring. When your esophagus is irritated, it may even bleed. 

Narrowing of Your Esophagus

GERD can cause your esophagus to narrow, a condition known as an esophageal stricture. A narrowed esophagus makes it difficult and uncomfortable to swallow foods and liquids. You might even find it painful to eat or drink. This condition can worsen overtime. 

Dental Decay

The backwash of stomach acids can be damaging to your teeth, too. Many people with longstanding, untreated GERD experience tooth decay as the acid destroys the enamel of their teeth. Tooth decay lessens your confidence, but it’s also been associated with other health problems down the road, including heart disease. 

Respiratory Problems

GERD is often associated with coughing, wheezing, or a hoarse voice. It can also make certain respiratory conditions, like asthma, worse. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, this is because irritation in the esophagus can cause the body to react in ways that increase asthma symptoms. Regurgitated acids can also be accidentally inhaled. This leads to the acid entering the lungs, where it could cause aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia can be dangerous if left untreated.

Finding Help for GERD

There are many steps that you can take to treat GERD. In fact, your doctor will likely first prescribe lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications to manage your condition. Changing your diet, reducing stress, and avoiding common GERD triggers can all go a long way toward helping prevent the complications and side effects of GERD. 

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